Quel est le prix du jambon ibérique ? - Cuisine d'Espagne

How much does Iberian ham cost?

Oct 17, 2023

Iberian ham is a unique product in the world, which unfortunately is sometimes confused with other low-end products, produced in large quantities. For this reason, before being able to answer the question that concerns us, we must know how to distinguish an Iberian ham from other products.

Iberian ham:

Iberian Ham

Iberian ham is a type of ham from the Iberian pig breed, highly valued in Spanish and Portuguese gastronomy, which is considered a high-end product and an exquisite delicacy.

For its elaboration, it is necessary that the piece has at least 50% purity of this breed to be called "Iberian ham", although the best quality hams are the 100% Iberian hams from Iberian pigs whose two parents are of 100% Iberian breed.

The main characteristics that distinguish the quality of Iberian hams derive from the purity of the breed of the animals, the extensive outdoor breeding of the Iberian pigs in wooded pastures where they can move freely and exercise, the diet of the pigs during the "montanera" period and, finally, the curing of the ham, which usually lasts between 24 and 48 months; the longer the curing, the larger the size of the piece and the more acorns or nuts the pig has eaten.

Type of Iberian ham:


White label :

Cebo Iberian ham from Iberian pigs intensively fed with cereal and legume-based feed.

Green label:

Iberian Cebo de Campo Ham , like the previous one, comes from Iberian pigs, but in this case fed extensively in dehesas, so that they are fed with natural pastures and their meat is favored by the work they do in freedom.

Label red :

Acorn-fed Iberian ham, which identifies hams of the Iberian breed, from at least 50% Iberian pigs and fed on acorns and pastures during the "montanera" season.

Label black :

Iberian ham fed on 100% acorns, this is the highest range of Iberian hams. These are purebred Iberian pigs fed on acorns and pastures. These hams are the only ones that can be called pata negra hams, in accordance with the new regulations mentioned above.

Price of Iberian ham:


The price per kilo of Iberian ham will vary depending on the label, the quantity purchased, its origin, its packaging and also whether it is sold sliced ​​or not.

The price per kilo will be at the lowest of 30 € per kilo for Jamon de cebo sold in whole piece. It can go up to 300 € per kilo, if it is sold cut and if it is jamon cebo de campo.

For the 100% Ibérico de Bellota Jamon, the lowest price will be €60 per kilo for whole pieces. It can go up to €500 per kilo, if sold cut.

On this site there is 50% Iberian Cebo de Campo, 100% Naturaleza (100% Iberian Cebo de Campo) and 100% Iberian Bellota. To see the prices, click here .

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